
Middle School

Empowering Futures

As a top rated middle school in Boulder, Colorado, we are boldly fostering extraordinary futures. The middle school years are special years and our unique program meets students where they are and prepares them for what’s next.
We empower emerging minds through..

Teaching Future-Ready Skills

While the future is unknown, one thing is clear: the ability to think innovatively and reason logically will be more important than ever. Innovative thinking will spark new ideas and ways of being, while logical reasoning will be necessary to balance and apply these ideas in ethical ways. These skills will not only help students thrive but also enable them to become responsible global citizens.

A Global Perspective

The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program emphasizes intellectual challenge and encourages students to make connections between their studies and real world situations. Students explore how the application of knowledge across disciplines can lead to better understanding and more comprehensive and inclusive solutions. Instruction in world languages (French or Spanish, and Latin) exposes students to different cultures, customs, and perspectives, fostering empathy and understanding.

Tapping Into More

All students receive instruction in the Arts, Physical and Health Education, Design, and World Languages, and have the choices in Athletics, Leadership, and Electives. BCD electives, also known as "exploratories", challenge students and create room for them to experiment and find new interests as they grow as students and as individuals. The combination of foundational academics with exploratories grows both intellect and self-confidence, which together lead to success in high school and beyond.

Creating a Safe Environment

Every school should be a safe place for students and teachers to thrive, and we see safety as far more than just a secure campus. Students should also feel safe taking risks and being themselves. Daily advisory meetings strengthen community and help students work through topics such as navigating academic and social issues with confidence and kindness. Students are encouraged to develop the skill of “failing forward” and learning from one’s mistakes. Our focus is on the character of our graduates as much as their qualifications.

Unlocking Leadership Potential

Middle school spans the critical years between childhood and high school which can often feel like a waiting game for students. But in a PS-8th school, middle school students take on leadership roles, which provides them with valuable opportunities to develop their confidence and skills. These leadership experiences—whether through mentoring younger students, leading projects, or organizing school events—help students learn the importance of responsibility, decision-making, and collaboration.

Recognizing the Future Isn't Far Away

A strong academic foundation, combined with essential life skills, ensures that our students excel in high school and beyond. Under the guidance of skilled and experienced teachers, our graduates are well-prepared for success in any quality high school. They develop self-awareness, self-advocacy, and key study skills such as writing, research, organization, time management, and more—skills that are crucial for the transition to high school. As a result, most BCD graduates thrive in Advanced Placement and IB classes throughout their high school years.

Being Part of Something Bigger

Students are encouraged to explore their areas of interest through group activities such as choir, band, and athletics. Engaging in these activities helps students discover their passions and talents while fostering a sense of belonging and teamwork. As students explore different interests, they are better able to understand their strengths and preferences, which is crucial in finding their place in the world.

BCD students outshine their peers in writing

More and more colleges, universities, and employers are reporting their incoming students lack the necessary writing skills. Our focus on planning, composition, and revision, the reflective process, and continual practice has shown to benchmark BCD students above their peers. The ERB Writing Assessment Program (WrAP) benchmarks our students against the most competitive independent and suburban public schools in the country and our scores speak for themselves.

BCD provides extensive math offerings

The following graphics displays the two most typical math tracks BCD offers. BCD is also able to offer small group acceleration beyond these tracks on a case-by-case basis. 
How did BCD prepare you for high school?


Small Class Size and Leadership

Academic Challenge


10 Questions to Ask When Visiting a Middle School Checklist

10 Questions to Ask When Visiting a Middle School Checklist

Middle School can be a challenging time for adolescents. Choosing the right school for your student during those years can have a big impact on who they become. Need some help determining what is most important to you and your child? 

The Benefits of a PS-8th Environment

BCD is a Preschool - 8th school. Why is that important for middle schoolers?

At a time when they are typically feeling caught in the middle between childhood and high school, middle school students in a PS-8th environment serve as school leaders and role models for younger students. This dynamic provides students with responsibility, focus, and confidence during an otherwise complicated time in their lives. 

Learn more about the benefits of a PS-8 school.

Engaged and Empowered Learners

Boulder Country Day School    4820 Nautilus Court North • Boulder, Colorado 80301 • Phone - 303.527.4931 •
Boulder Country Day School is a leading private school serving students 2 ½ years old - 8th grade. In partnership with our outstanding faculty and committed families, we uphold the highest standard for our balanced educational experience. Through small class sizes and innovative engagement in a supportive environment, students at BCD learn to explore their strengths and apply them to the world. Guided by our values, we believe the empowered minds that graduate from BCD will be the ones to ignite global change.