
Elementary (TK-5th)

In BCD's Elementary School we believe....

List of 6 items.

  • An Engaging Education Is a Joyful One

    Learning expands far beyond the desk. We work hard, build confidence, and explore many subjects to spark and foster a lifelong love of learning. Classes engage young minds in and outside the classroom with group activities, knowledge- and skills-based learning, Innovation Lab, field trips, and outdoor excursions.
  • Class Size and Community Matter

    Children are seen, known, understood and appreciated by each of their teachers at BCD. Our commitment to small class sizes (maximum of 18) allows us to forge personal relationships with every family and focus on each child’s individual strengths and challenges. These bonds then extend to create a community of families where parents and guardians are welcome in our school to partner with teachers as we support our students together.
  • Curiosity Is Invaluable

    Children are naturally curious and seek to make connections between their own world and what they are learning. BCD takes an intentional approach to each day and each lesson to encourage resourcefulness and exploration.
  • Every Learning Style Is Different

    Every child is unique, and so are the ways they learn. In an effort to support the wide variety of learning styles within BCD, our Learning Center sets BCD Elementary School in a class of its own with a dedicated faculty whose mission is to help our teachers differentiate instruction, tailor strategies, and create goals to maximize each child’s academic potential.
  • Good Citizens Grow Here

    BCD is an inclusive, well-rounded environment that invites every child to discover their own excellence—both academically and beyond. We believe that the social and emotional growth of a child is just as important as their scholastic achievements, so we encourage students to learn who they are, be themselves, and feel supported as active, honest members of their communities.
  • Life Skills Are School Skills

    Kindness and respect are essential to creating an environment where students feel safe and empowered to take risks. As such, BCD Elementary School passionately integrates evidence-based Responsive Classroom and Kid Power programs into our curriculum to support character development and enhance every child’s education. From contributing to a positive community and resolving conflicts to effective communication, empathy and problem solving, BCD is home to social and emotional skills at every level.
The BCD Elementary School is a place of discovery, of challenge and support where tradition meets innovation and creativity. Our commitment to small class sizes (maximum of 18) ensures that teachers truly know and meet the needs of each student and enhances our challenging yet balanced curriculum. Our excellent faculty prides themselves on being current with research based instructional theory and practice. Our Learning Center staff partners closely with elementary classroom teachers to support the diverse learning styles of our students by using a variety of grouping strategies for teaching math and language arts.

In addition to the core subjects of language arts, mathematics, and social studies taught by the homeroom teacher, elementary students also receive instruction in technology, art, science lab, library, physical education, music, band, and world language. Students take both French and Spanish from Transitional Kindergarten through 5th grade. Students are introduced to Latin starting in 6th grade.

Social-emotional development is essential in every student’s overall development. We use the Responsive Classroom, Kid Power, and the Learning for Justice standards to support character development and teach important life skills like problem solving, conflict resolution, effective communication, identity, empathy, and how to be a good friend. Students participate in guided discussions, activities, and role-playing exercises that encourage them to treat others kindly. Philanthropy and community service projects connect students to various charitable organizations and students actively participate in age-appropriate service projects.

Elementary students participate in musical performances, plays, and assemblies held throughout the school year. Each student can expect to be on stage performing several times during the year. Each grade takes part in a musical performance where music teachers work with homeroom teachers preparing the events. Parents are always welcome.

BCD’s Elementary School is a place of incredible discovery, engagement, and joy.  

Free Guide - Choosing a Kindergarten

Choosing a Kindergarten that is right for your child is an important early step in laying a strong foundation for their education. There are numerous Kindergarten options available for children and parents. Today, more than ever, parents carefully examine their many choices: open enroll or neighborhood, public or private, full day or part day, morning or afternoon, academic or play-based…So what should a parent look for in a Kindergarten program? 

Click here.

BCD's Transitional Kindergarten Program

Our vibrant new TK Program sits between our Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten years with a curriculum that is age appropriate, dynamic, and provides our families with a best-in-class experience.

Transitional Kindergarten at BCD will serve as a schooling option for students with late birthdays (June 1 - October 31), for students who might benefits from more time readying for Kindergarten, or for students who have not had a formal schooling experience prior to their Kindergarten years.

Click here to learn more.

BCD's After School Program

Elementary students are eligible for our after school program which extends the day to 5:30pm. 

Click here for after school program details

inside the classroom

Boulder Country Day School    4820 Nautilus Court North • Boulder, Colorado 80301 • Phone - 303.527.4931 •
Boulder Country Day School is a leading private school serving students 2 ½ years old - 8th grade. In partnership with our outstanding faculty and committed families, we uphold the highest standard for our balanced educational experience. Through small class sizes and innovative engagement in a supportive environment, students at BCD learn to explore their strengths and apply them to the world. Guided by our values, we believe the empowered minds that graduate from BCD will be the ones to ignite global change.